Amul Team Apps

Amul Time
Amul Team
Amul Time Mobile Application is intended for employees of GujaratCooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited (GCMMF Ltd.). Thisapplication is developed to capture attendance of an employee usingmobile application. The employee location of office to beregistered one time from Branch Office. Employee can captureattendance and check report from mobile application. This reportcan also be used for marking attendance of employees for salarypurpose.
Amul Milk DMS - Mobile application for AMDs 3.4
Amul Team
A - App developed for android users. - Mobile app size 1.25 MB.Itcan be installed using following link. It will be uploadedongoogle play store aftersometime. Username = AMDS SAP Code of 7 digit – numeric. Default Password=“user”. MOM has to provide list of AMDss to HO/ISD inprescribedexcel format for one time activation. - User can changepassword inthe mobile app using path Menu -> Change Password -Mob app hastwo options for AMDs for placing SKU-wise orders. 1 AMDslevel 2Retailer level. As maintained by MMO in the portal. - Menu–>Add favourite -> All SKUs of MMO will be displayed withAMDsprice per crate. User / AMDs has to select products for whichhewants to place order. Product sequence is as maintained in SAPbyMMO. Short description of products are maintained on portal byMMO.- Menu –> Profile -> AMDs name, Available creditlimitbalance & Crate balance as per SAP. The app is linked withSAPreal time. It shows latest updated SAP balances. “CheckBalance”button can be used to refresh balances. - Menu ->AssignedVehicle -> List of vehicles assigned to AMDs in SAParedisplayed. MMO has to maintain AMDs-wise vehicle data(registrationnumber) on portal. Direct integration with SAP isunder progress.WD has to press refresh button to get latest vehiclemaster data. -Menu – Signout – No need to signout from the app byAMDs. Datastored in mobile app will be deleted if signedout byuser. So itshould be avoided. - For placing order at AMDs level :-- Select“Order” button available on the screen to create ordertemplate (AMor PM) - All favourite products will appear on thescreen. EnterSKU-wise order quantity in crates and save the data. -More thanone order templates can be created for placing order.Ordertemplates will be deleted when mob app is signed out by theuser. -Select “Review” to place the order. All saved templates willbeavailable for placing the order. Quantity can be changed andnewSKU can also be added in the template by using “Edit” option.Totalorder value is displayed on the screen. - Click on “Placeorder”& select Vehicle number to place the final order withMMO. -Same template can be used for placing order everyday. - AMorder isalways considered for the next day and PM order isalwaysconsidered for the current day. - Internet connectivity isrequiredwhile placing the order. Warning message will be displayedon thescreen if order value is more than available credit limit. -Forplacing order at Retailer level :- - Create new retailer inthemobile app. Assign channel similar to DMS. - Place orderatretailer level – SKU-wise Crate + No of pouch - Previous dayordercan be copied & modified to avoid retailer-wise manualorderentry every time - SKU-wise summary, total of all retailerscan bechecked before final submission of order - One AMDs can placeoneorder for a day for any one vehicle. More than one order canbeplaced by selecting different vehicles. - Menu ->SubmittedOrder List -> Successfully submitted order list willbedisplayed here. Drilldown option is available to checkSKU-wiseorder details. - Notification – under development - Accountledger& Crate ledger – under development - Multiple account inthesame login – under development - MMO-wise order time restriction–under development
DSR For PSM 1.3
Amul Team
DSR For PSM App is available PSM Users who can fill FreshProducts,Frozen Products and Dairy Products Form according to theirline.New Form Tap on New Form to Fill the form. PSM users can fillformOnline and Offline. Each form is divided into Multiple Steps.PSMusers can fill any step anytime. Fresh Form contains thefollowingsection to be filled: i) VISIT DETAILS ii) NEW &HORECA OUTLETSAND DELIVERY BOYS iii) GROUND LEVEL ACTIVITY iv)COMPETITIOR INFO& OTHER OBSERVATION Frozen Form contains thefollowing sectionto be filled: i) OUTLET DETAILS ii) AADF BOOKINGSiii) FOCUS PODUCTBOOKING & OTHER DETAILS Dairy Form containsthe followingsection to be filled: i) STOCK CHECK & ORDERGENERATION ii)SELLING PRICE OF AMUL PRODUCTS iii) SAMPLINGACTIVITIES OF AMULPRODUCTS iv) PROMOTION ACTIVITIES OF AMULPRODUCTS History You canview all filled or pending forms date wise.Tap on Date to viewfilled or pending form of that date. You cannavigate to previousor next month easily. All forms will have it'sown comment sectionwhere you can view the comment from Branch, Zoneor HO. Draft Itsimply will have the list of all forms which youhaven't yet submitor filled offline. In this all forms are savedalong with the stepsof form filled. You can edit or Delete pendingform. Account DetailYou can view your personal detail, lineassigned to you and your IdProof. If you wish to logout from yourapp then you can chooselogout option from here. Notifications Tapon Top right sideNotification icon to view all Message and Commentreceived fromBranch, Zone or HO. Please Rate/comment to let us knowyourexperience about using this app.
Amul Team
Mobile application has been developed to facilitate online /offlineDSR filing by FFRs from the market. It will alsofacilitateretailer-wise order booking by FFR. A WD level • DSR date– selectfrom LOV • WD selection – select from LOV • Marketinformation –max. upto 256 character • Observation / Sales Analysisat WD point– max upto 1000 characters • Remarks / FFR feedback -max upto 1000characters • Name of Market - max. upto 256 characterB WD level •Name of outlet – max. upto 500 character • RetailerType – selectfrom LOV • Issues at Retailer point - max. upto 1000character
Amul Milk DSR ( For Employee ) 2.3
Amul Team
Mobile application has been developed to facilitate online /offlineDSR filing by FFRs from the market. It will alsofacilitateretailer-wise order booking by FFR. A WD level • DSR date– selectfrom LOV • WD selection – select from LOV • Marketinformation –max. upto 256 character • Observation / Sales Analysisat WD point– max upto 1000 characters • Remarks / FFR feedback -max upto 1000characters • Name of Market - max. upto 256 characterB WD level •Name of outlet – max. upto 500 character • RetailerType – selectfrom LOV • Issues at Retailer point - max. upto 1000character
Amul Channel Partner Proposal
Amul Team
WD Proposal : Amul Channel Partner Proposal
Amul Team
Wdist for Distributors
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WCust 3.1
Amul Team
WCust for Consumer
AmulVerse 0.04
Amul Team
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